QHN is pleased to help support a patients’ right to make healthcare decisions by providing access, via the QHN HIE, to Advance Care Planning documents across the continuum of care.
The booklet Your Right to Make Health Care Decisions is provided through the The Colorado Hospital Association as a public service to the community.
This booklet informs you about your right to make healthcare decisions, including the right to accept or refuse medical treatment. It provides you with ready-to-use forms on which to record your decisions about medical treatment and your choice of the person you want to make decisions for you when you cannot.
These forms, and any written instructions you make ahead of time about your medical treatment, are called advance directives. The booklet explains the following advance directives and related subjects:
Download the Your Right to Make Health Care Decisions Booklet
Other resources:
The Colorado Advance Directives Consortium (CADC) is an informal organization of professionals in healthcare, senior services, law, and ethics dedicated to improving the tools and processes for healthcare decision making in Colorado.
Since 2006, the CADC has played key roles in revising the Colorado CPR directive regulations and the Living Will statute, and launching the Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (Living Will) program.
The CADC works with other stakeholder organizations to offer education on advance directives and related topics to emergency medical responders, long-term care facilities, hospitals, home health, and hospice agencies. Their website is an excellent resource for advance directive information, forms and educational opportunities.
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