First Responders Use HIE for Quality Improvement

First Responders Use HIE to Improve Patient Care, Respect Patient Wishes Grand Junction Fire Department (GJFD) is the emergency and prevention service provider for Grand Junction, Colorado and the surrounding area. Its operation includes 5 stations, employing more than 125 firefighters and other personnel, covering a service area of 77 square miles. Health and Safety […]

School based health clinics (SBHC) offer students, enrolled in the school district, interdisciplinary on-site healthcare services. In Colorado, SBHCs have been strategically placed in school districts with highest rates of childhood poverty and the lowest rates of insured children, bringing care directly to children in-need regardless of insurance status or the ability to pay. The […]
A recent research study published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology showed that providers who access patient records through health information exchange (HIE) order fewer repeat X-rays, ultrasounds and other imaging tests, resulting in cost savings. The study was conducted using a cohort of 12,620 patients who underwent imaging procedures during 2009 […]

The Patient-Centered Data Home (PCDH) ensuring clinical data “wraps around” the patient wherever they receive care QHN is now part of a live HIE-to-HIE data exchange with the Utah Health Information Network (UHIN) and Arizona Health-e Connection (AzHeC) as part of the Patient-Centered Data Home (PCDH) project. The PCDH model is based on the principle […]
KREX’s WesternSlopeNow: Award-Winning Resource For Your Health

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — If you utilize social services here in Mesa County, things could be getting a lot easier. We spoke with Quality Health Network to learn how things are changing for you and your provider. What we usually think of as health care, like check-ups and doctor visits when sick only make up […]
Grand Junction Daily Sentinel Editorial: A Winning Concept

The CRN helps local providers get upstream and address social determinants of health before they culminate in a crisis. It’s just the latest example of collaboration to improve life in western Colorado. Let’s not get inured to innovation, for it never fails to impress.
Grand Junction Daily Sentinel: Health and Wellness Network Software to Extend Communication Among Providers

Quality Health Network already helps connect most of the health care entities in western Colorado, but the Grand Junction company’s latest attempt to improve coordination among social service, mental health and medical providers is garnering some national attention. Read full article here
KCCO: New System Aims to Fill Gaps in Individual Health Needs

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKCO/KJCT)– A new system from Quality Health Network, a business with an office in Grand Junction, aims to provide more information on the circumstances of patients. Read full article here
Community network plans to connect people with health care, housing options

During the past decade of existence for 211 San Diego, an entity dedicated to bringing community organizations together for better access and connectivity, the West Coast city has seen stark declines in emergency room visits and homelessness. Read full article here
Connections for Healthier Communities Summit
A health summit held today focused on something other than just medicine. The goal of this conference was to find ways to better share information between providers, and to better serve the whole of a person in the process. Read full article here