Mark Lassaux
Quality Health Network (QHN), the region’s health information exchange (HIE) has named Marc Lassaux as the company’s Interim Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer. Lassaux is no stranger to QHN. He has served in several roles at QHN including most recently as the company’s Chief Technical Officer (CTO) for the past 9 years. Lassaux steps into the role following the retirement of long-time Executive Director and CEO Dick Thompson.
“I’m proud of the growth and development we have achieved at QHN over the past nearly two decades with Dick’s leadership. We remain focused on our mission and values and are committed to delivering high-quality, innovative solutions to our partners in health care, behavioral health, and social services,” says Lassaux.
QHN was developed in 2004 to facilitate the availability of information to optimize community health. The company’s unique technologies for expanding HIE services include social data via the Community Resource Network (CRN).
Lassaux has a diverse background and a breadth of knowledge in HIE, technology infrastructure, and governmental affairs. In his role as CTO, Lassaux was instrumental in helping QHN utilize advanced technology to facilitate community-based data sharing and community resource networks, enable innovative risk stratification/predictive modeling tools, and support of new payment models. Lassaux previously served on the Colorado eHealth Commission with an appointment by Governor John Hickenlooper.
“The role of an HIE and CIE (community information exchange) in a community is incredibly valuable. At QHN we understand that a person’s well-being goes well beyond their physical health. Through the numerous tools we provide our partners, we are confident we can help to improve our community’s whole-person health by making information available how, when and where it is needed,” adds Lassaux.
For more information on Marc Lassaux or to schedule an interview, please contact Charity Meinhart at (970) 248-0033.
Learn about our latest innovation, CRN, by watching this short video: