The OneView:
Community Resource Network’s real-time view into a client’s whole story
This week, we want to show you the OneView, part of the powerful client profile inside CRN. This patent-pending “wheel” is CRNs powerful, visual way of quickly communicating the client’s needs and the severity of those needs with one glance.
represents the medical situation
shows us behavioral health
indicates the social needs
The further out the “spoke” is on the wheel, the more critical the need is for the client, so the care team can immediately identify where the focus needs to be.
The OneView is dynamic, using quantitative and qualitative inputs, so if something changes with the client, you can see it right away.
The community wanted to be able to see a quick scope of a person’s situation, so we built the OneView with that visual urgency in mind. It’s a big part of CRN- western Colorado’s SDoH community information exchange- and we know it will help improve the overall health of our community.
Want to know more? Check out the video below or visit our website today! We are also happy to answer any questions you have, and you can ask them here.
Remember, we are better together!