CRN is LIVE in western Colorado!

QHN’s Community Resource Network is officially LIVE in western Colorado! “CRN is at the forefront of a really exciting community collaboration breakthrough that will transform how people in crisis or at risk get the care they need, whether those needs are of a medical, behavioral or social services nature – most likely it is a […]
QHN’s CEO, Dick Thompson, receives RMHP’s 2019 Bruce Wilson Memorial Award
Rocky Mountain Health Plans CEO Patrick Gordon presented the award at QHN’s January board meeting. “Dick’s leadership in our community has been instrumental in improving healthcare across western Colorado, and I am glad to recognize him with our 2019 Dr. Bruce Wilson Memorial Award,” said Patrick. “This award recognizes those who make a difference in […]

The Patient-Centered Data Home (PCDH) ensuring clinical data “wraps around” the patient wherever they receive care QHN is now part of a live HIE-to-HIE data exchange with the Utah Health Information Network (UHIN) and Arizona Health-e Connection (AzHeC) as part of the Patient-Centered Data Home (PCDH) project. The PCDH model is based on the principle […]